Jobs Shared Jobbörse
Shared Jobs
30 aktuelle Stellenagebote gefunden
EIM Executive Interim Management GmbH - Hamburg, München
[26.03.2025] -- Onboarding- und Search-Expert | Search Coordinator | Recruiting Consultant (m/w/d) für unser Shared Service Center Standort: 20359 Hamburg oder 81379 München Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit, 5 Tage/Woche Wer sind wir? EIM Executive Interim Management GmbH ist eine...
[12.03.2025] --Du bist zusammen mit dem externen Dienstleister für die Gehaltsabrechnung hauptverantwortlich für die Vorbereitung der monatlichen Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnungen sowie deren zugehörigen Daten, Prozessschritten/Workflows in HR-Systemen
Mit Deiner Expertise in...
Berufsgenossenschaft Energie Textil Elektro Medienerzeugnisse - BGETEM - - Köln
[26.03.2025] --Für unsere IT-Abteilung am Standort Köln suchen wir zum 01.04.2025 befristet bis zum 31.07.2026 eine/n Java-Entwickler/in (m/w/d) im Bereich Shared Service EDA Wir sind die gesetzliche Unfallversicherung für die Bereiche Energie, Textil, Elektro und Medienerzeugnisse. Bei...
ZEISS - Oberkochen (Baden-Württemberg)
[20.03.2025] --Sich etwas Neues trauen, über sich hinauswachsen und dabei die Grenzen des Machbaren neu definieren. Genau das ist es, was unsere Mitarbeitenden täglich leben dürfen und sollen. Um mit unseren Innovationen das Tempo vorzugeben und Großartiges zu ermöglichen. Denn hinter...
Lonza - Bürchen
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Lalden
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Unterbäch
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Naters
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Törbel
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Zeneggen
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Bitsch
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Eggerberg
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Visp
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Baltschieder
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Raron
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Naters
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Stalden
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Brig
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Visperterminen
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Termen
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
Lonza - Staldenried
[26.03.2025] --Today, Lonza is a global leader in life sciences operating across five continents. While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising ideas that help businesses to help people. In...
ZEISS - Oberkochen (Baden-Württemberg)
[14.03.2025] --Sich etwas Neues trauen, über sich hinauswachsen und dabei die Grenzen des Machbaren neu definieren. Genau das ist es, was unsere Mitarbeitenden täglich leben dürfen und sollen. Um mit unseren Innovationen das Tempo vorzugeben und Großartiges zu ermöglichen. Denn hinter...
Sedus Stoll AG - Dogern
[15.03.2025] --Seit über 150 Jahren gestaltet Sedus mit seinen ganzheitlichen und ergonomischen Produkten „Made in Germany“ moderne Arbeitswelten, in denen Menschen zusammenkommen, sich wohlfühlen und ihre Ideen verwirklichen können. Mit unseren 11 europäischen und einer...
Liebherr-International Deutschland GmbH - Biberach
[20.03.2025] -- Die Liebherr-International Deutschland GmbH mit Sitz in Biberach an der Riß nimmt für die Firmengruppe Liebherr, die weltweit mehr als 50.000 Mitarbeitende in über 140 Gesellschaften beschäftigt, vielfältige Funktionen in den Bereichen Finanzen, Steuern, Revision, Recht...
EIM Executive Interim Management GmbH - Hamburg
[26.03.2025] --Onboarding- und Search-Expert | Search Coordinator | Recruiting Consultant (m/w/d) für unser Shared Service Center Standort: 20359 Hamburg oder 81379 München Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit, 5 Tage/Woche Wer sind wir? EIM Executive Interim Management GmbH ist eine...
EIM Executive Interim Management GmbH - München
[26.03.2025] --Onboarding- und Search-Expert | Search Coordinator | Recruiting Consultant (m/w/d) für unser Shared Service Center Standort: 20359 Hamburg oder 81379 München Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit, 5 Tage/Woche Wer sind wir? EIM Executive Interim Management GmbH ist eine...
Kurtz Holding GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG - Kreuzwertheim (Großraum Würzburg)
[22.03.2025] --Kurtz Ersa ist ein Maschinenbauer für die produzierende Industrie in Familienbesitz mit fast 250-jähriger Tradition. Daher fühlen wir uns verpflichtet, unsere Strategie mit 1.500 Mitarbeitern auf ein langfristiges, gesundes und nachhaltiges Wachstum auszurichten. In unseren...
ALLWEILER GmbH – a CIRCOR Business Unit - Radolfzell am Bodensee
[24.03.2025] --ALLWEILER GmbH – a subsidiary of Circor – is one of the most successful companies of pump industry worldwide. Our long expertise (since 1860), our highquality standards in combination with advanced construction and pump technology are the basis for our growth. Our own sales...
Stadtwerke Nortorf AöR - Nortorf
[26.03.2025] --Als modernes und innovatives, kommunales Stadtwerk in Nortorf sind wir der zuverlässige Partner in der Region. Mit unseren zukunftsorientierten Leistungen und unserem starken Fokus auf Kundenservice und Nachhaltigkeit setzen wir Maßstäbe in der Branche. Wir sorgen u. a....